Checklists 1
Copyright infringement—remedies
Produced in partnership with Andrew Bowler of Bristows , Sean Ibbetson of Bristows and Lucie Fortune of Bristows
Practice notesCopyright infringement—remedies
Produced in partnership with Andrew Bowler of Bristows , Sean Ibbetson of Bristows and Lucie Fortune of Bristows
Practice notesThis Practice Note covers the remedies available for copyright infringement.
The remedies available in cases of copyright infringement are the same as those available for all IP right infringement. For further detail, see Practice Note: Civil and criminal remedies for intellectual property infringement.
These are:
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Injunctions (interim and final)
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Damages or an account of profits
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Delivery up, destruction and seizure
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Declaratory relief
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Dissemination and publication of judgment
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Other interim relief
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This Practice Note also provides some explanation of remedies for infringement of moral and performance rights, concurrent rights, the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) and criminal offences. For further detail on:
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moral and performance rights, see Practice Notes: Moral rights and Performers’ rights and rights in performances
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the IPEC, see Practice Notes: Intellectual Property Enterprise Court—practical points on case management and Intellectual Property Enterprise Court—costs capping in practice
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criminal offences, see Practice Note: Copyright criminal offences
One of the most important remedies
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