News 4
Do the Immigration Rules, Appendix FM permit someone on a fiancé visa to enter the UK with their dependent children?
A person can apply to enter the UK as a fiancée of a person present and settled here. They must meet the requirements set out in immigration rules, appendix fm, Section EC-P, including suitability requirements, the financial requirement, the English language requirement, and the eligibility requirement.
It is possible for children to apply as a dependant of a fiancée via ‘Section EC-C: Entry clearance as a child’ which is a route ‘for a child whose parent is applying under this Appendix for entry clearance or leave, or who has limited leave, as a partner or parent’.
The requirements to be met for the dependant child under this route are as follows:
‘Section EC-C: Entry clearance as a child
EC-C.1.1. The requirements to be met for entry
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