In the absence of any evidence in the title deeds to the properties concerned, who is responsible for a retaining wall?
A retaining wall is a wall between two pieces of land where the land on one side of the wall is higher than on the other side. A retaining wall will also form the boundary between two plots of land and thus a retaining wall will also be a boundary wall but a boundary wall will not necessarily be a retaining wall. See Practice Note: Property boundaries.
To further complicate matters, a boundary wall may also be referred to as a party fence wall. The Party Wall etc Act 1996 (PWA 1996) provides that 'party fence wall' means a wall (not being part of a building) which stands on lands of different owners and is used or constructed to be used for separating such adjoining lands, but does not include a wall constructed on the land of one owner the artificially formed support of which projects into
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