Managing a claim

This subtopic provides guidance on general and preliminary considerations in relation to managing a claim before the Irish courts.

  1. Practice Note: Ireland—Progressing and managing a High Court civil claim discusses the steps to be taken in progressing and managing a civil claim in Ireland after the lodging of pleadings and before the fixing of a substantive hearing in the High Court. Irish civil procedure provides for a number of procedural rules depending on the nature of the claim and the court in which the case is heard. This Practice Note will consider the specific procedural rules under the following types of civil summonses: plenary summons, summary summons, special summons and personal injuries summons

  2. Practice Note: Ireland—Incidental applications in civil proceedings deals with incidental applications which are made to a court. It covers the addition, substitution and removal of parties, including third and fourth parties, and the correction of errors in the title of proceedings. The factors which must be considered

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