National and local planning policy

STOP PRESS: An updated version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published on 12 December 2024. This content is being reviewed in accordance with the latest version.

Why is planning policy important?

The English and Welsh planning systems are plan-led, which means that the process of managing the development and use of land centres around policies set out in development plans, with planning applications being determined in accordance with those plans, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. See Practice Note: Determining planning applications—priority of the development plan. Planning policy in development plans:

  1. determines the type and location of development in an area

  2. helps to achieve key objectives of local planning authorities (LPAs), and

  3. helps to inform the process of determining planning applications and appeals

A planning application which accords with planning policy in the development plan is more likely to be granted permission than one which does not. Consequently, developers should take planning policy and guidance into account when preparing planning applications. Objectors against planning applications can also use policies to strengthen their arguments, where the planning application does

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