Designation of local authority in care proceedings based on ordinary residence (Calderdale MBC v Cheshire EBC and others)
Local Government analysis: On 12 July 2024, Cheshire East Borough Council (Cheshire) issued proceedings seeking a care order (and an interim care order) in relation to a child who had been born prematurely in Manchester the same day. The child’s mother had a long history of engagement with the Cheshire authority’s children services in relation to two older half-siblings of the child. This work followed a myriad of issues including domestic abuse, sexual exploitation and anti-social behaviour (including alcohol and drug misuse). On 23 August 2024, Recorder Shaw made an order designating Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (Calderdale) as the relevant local authority within the care order. Calderdale appealed that decision (on the basis that the judge had erred in law and fact) with Cheshire, both parents and the child’s guardian all opposing. Permission to appeal was granted by Lord Justice King. in the Court of Appeal, the lead judgment was given by Mr Justice Cobb, dismissing the appeal and finding that Recorder Shaw had been entitled to reach the conclusions he did and to make the order as he had done. Written by Clive Adams, partner at Birketts LLP.