Financial matters

Probably the single most important issue for elderly or vulnerable adult care is that of finances. This is likely to include:

  1. whether they have and will have resources sufficient to cover their needs

  2. where they can get extra finance when needed

Local authority—eligibility for support

Since the creation of the welfare state in the 1940s, local authorities (LAs) have been given powers and subjected to duties to provide care and attention for those in need. However, the law was developed in a piecemeal manner and spread across a myriad of statutes and statutory instruments which were supplemented by numerous guidance documents. The Care Act 2014 (CA 2014) was enacted as a single comprehensive statute to: bring together and harmonise the existing law; reflect modern practices; and implement the recommendations of the Commission on the Funding of Care and Support headed by Andrew Dilnot in 2011. It applies to all English LAs.

Detailed regulations are set out in a series of statutory instruments, the most important of which are:

  1. the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014, SI 2014/2672

  2. the

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Latest Local Government News

Local Government weekly highlights—30 January 2025

This week's edition of Local Government weekly highlights includes enhanced coverage on the Supreme Court judgment in The Father v Worcestershire CC, in which the father’s appeal against the care order placing his children in foster care, was dismissed, coverage of the Cabinet Office's final preparations for the Procurement Act 2023, which is set to go live on 24 February 2025 and expert analysis of the Court of Appeal judgment in Hussaini v Islington LBC. Case reports include the decisions in Sheffield CC v The Mother, on the Family Court's ruling that the child experienced significant harm due to parental neglect, meeting the threshold criteria under Section 31 of the Children Act 1989; (R (LR) v Coventry CC where the Court of Appeal quashed the local authority's support assessment for family, citing legal errors and failure to consider children's welfare; Tickle v The BBC concerning the Court of Appeal’s setting aside of an order anonymising judges in family proceedings due to lack of jurisdiction and procedural bias; R (MM) v SSHD in which the Administrative Court upheld the interim relief order for the claimant's accommodation and care support amid judicial review; IS v SSWP in which the Upper Tribunal upheld the decision on PIP entitlement, confirming no error in handling overlapping benefit claims; R (SARCP) v Stoke-on-Trent CC where the Court quashed the local authority's care home fee decision due to inadequate consultation and statutory breaches; Boffey v Dyer on the High Court’s ruling that property used solely for living accommodation remains liable for council tax; and DurhamCC v Stephenson where the High Court granted an interim injunction to prevent ongoing planning control breach in County Durham. The weekly highlights also includes further updates on Public procurement, Education and Healthcare.

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