Privilege/without prejudice

This overview is a guide and introduction to our suite of documents on privilege and takes the reader through the main principles.

Dealing with aspects of privilege can be one of the most challenging issues a practitioner faces before and during litigation proceedings and, more particularly, during a disclosure exercise. The term ‘legal professional privilege’ comprises the two main strands of legal advice privilege and litigation privilege; and there are related concepts of common interest privilege; joint (or joint interest) privilege and without prejudice privilege to consider too.

Privilege—general principles

In English law, legal professional privilege is a fundamental right allowing a party, or its successors in title, to withhold from production certain documents. For an introduction to the general principles of legal professional privilege in civil proceedings, see Practice Note: Privilege—general principles.

Privilege can be asserted over documents which fall into these categories:

  1. legal professional privilege (LPP), split between:

    1. legal advice privilege, see Practice Note: Legal professional privilege in civil proceedings—Legal advice privilege

    2. litigation privilege, see Practice Note: Legal professional privilege in civil proceedings—Litigation privilege

  2. other forms

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