Developments of national significance/infrastructure consent in Wales

A streamlined system for developments of national significance in Wales

The Planning (Wales) Act 2015 amended the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990) to create a new category of development projects in Wales, named developments of national significance (DNS). Together with the Developments of National Significance (Procedure) (Wales) Order 2016, SI 2016/55 (the DNSO 2016), the Developments of National Significance (Specified Criteria and Prescribed Secondary Consents) (Wales) Regulations 2016 (DNS(SC)R 2016), SI 2016/53 and the Developments of National Significance (Wales) Regulations 2016 (DNS(W)R 2016), SI 2016/56, it established a faster and more streamlined route for obtaining planning permission for DNS to be determined, with applications being made directly to the Welsh Ministers, bypassing consideration by local planning authorities (LPAs) (the DNS regime). The DNS process is managed by the Planning Inspectorate Wales (PINS Wales) on behalf of the Welsh Ministers.

Broadly, the DNS regime can be compared to the regime for nationally significant infrastructure projects (the NSIP regime) under the Planning Act 2008 (PA 2008), in that it aims to provide a faster,

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