Welsh Government's FCEC responds to NICW report on flood resilience
The Welsh Government’s Flooding and Coastal Erosion Committee (FCEC) has published its response to the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales (NICW)’s report, ‘Building Resilience to Flooding in Wales by 2050’. The FCEC welcomes the report's independent perspective and focus on long-term challenges, as well as its emphasis on adaptation, resilience, and equity. It also endorses several proposals, including the development of a 30-year national flood resilience strategy, the establishment of catchment partnerships, and the diversification of funding sources, among others. However, it expresses concerns about the report's limited consideration of the business community's role in flood risk management and the difficulties in implementing recommendations due to resource constraints and unclear ownership of responsibilities. The response also highlights the report's inadequate focus on flood warning systems and calls for flood risk management infrastructure to be recognised as part of national infrastructure. It further suggests prioritising recommendations related to catchment-based approaches, community empowerment, adaptation funding, and addressing planning limitations.