Liferent trusts—ScotlandLiferent trustsA liferent trust (or trust liferent) is a trust which, when settled, confers a use and income benefit, or both,...
Benevolent fundsFORTHCOMING CHANGE: The Charities Act 2022 (CA 2022) received Royal Assent on 24 February 2022 and will be implemented on a staggered...
CGT—PPR relief for UK residents with overseas dwellings and non-UK residents with UK dwellingsPrincipal private residence relief (PPR relief) exempts...
A trust holds the beneficial ownership of shares in a company of which one trustee is a director. Of the three beneficiaries, two are adults and there...
Perpetuities and accumulationsThe rules relating to perpetuities and accumulations stem from the common law and the provisions in the Perpetuities and...
A grant of probate has been issued with powers reserved to an appointed executor under a Will. How can the executor obtain full powers?Reservation of...