Built environment industry responses to the Spring Statement 2025
Following the publication of the Spring Statement on 26 March 2025, several built environment industry bodies have released their responses.
FORTHCOMING CHANGE: HMRC published a call for evidence, ‘Simplifying the VAT Land Exemption’, in May 2021, inviting comments on some radical suggestions for the future scope of the exemption. These included making all ‘short-term or minor’ interests in land subject to VAT, or removing the current ‘option to tax’ rules and instead making all land transactions VATable, subject to specific exemptions such as for property with a residential or charitable purpose. The call for evidence ran from 12 May 2021 to 3 August 2021, and HMRC intends to hold further discussions with businesses in 2022. For more information, see News Analysis: Views on HMRC’s proposals to simplify VAT land exemption rules.
There are multiple VAT issues that arise in a property context. For a checklist-style summary of the key VAT issues to consider when undertaking a property transaction, see: VAT on property transactions—checklist.
The default position is that most supplies of interests in or rights over land and buildings (including freehold sales and leasing) are exempt from VAT, but there are many exceptions.
The effect of making an exempt supply of land is that
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