Considering class composition—more that divides than unites? (Re Sino-Ocean Group Holding Ltd)
Restructuring & Insolvency analysis: At a convening hearing under Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) the High Court considered a proposed restructuring plan of a Hong Kong listed property company. Having satisfied itself that it had jurisdiction under Part 26A to consider the proposal, the court went on to reject a creditor’s objections to the plan proponent’s requirement for four different classes of creditors. In doing so, Mr Justice Thompsell provided helpful analysis of the authorities concerning class composition. The court also held that creditors were not prevented from raising points relating to class composition at any subsequent sanction hearing if they could offer an explanation as to why they had not done so sooner. While noting that it was not for the court to approve the proposed Explanatory Statement, Mr Justice Thompsell did require it to give greater prominence to the plan’s effect on shareholders given their absence from the four proposed creditor classes. Written by Ben Channer, barrister at 3 Hare Court.