SRA regulation of in-house lawyers

This subtopic focuses on the SRA’s regulatory regime for in-house lawyers, and is designed for SRA-regulated lawyers (solicitors, registered European lawyers (RELs) and registered foreign lawyers (RFLs)) who are practising in-house in England and Wales.

SRA regulation

The SRA Standards and Regulations set out the standards and requirements that individual solicitors and firms regulated by the SRA are expected to achieve and observe for the benefit of clients and in the general public interest and the SRA regulations that must be complied with. They include alternative ways of working, including the ability for solicitors to provide services to the public from within an unregulated entity, or to work as freelance solicitors.

For more information on the SRA’s regulatory regime, see Practice Notes:

  1. SRA regulatory regime

  2. SRA Standards and Regulations—in-house lawyers

For guidance on the risks of dealing with a freelance solicitor on the other side of a transaction or matter, see

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