TMT clauses

This subtopic contains various clauses that are commonly used in TMT agreements.

For boilerplate and standard definitions, see Boilerplate clauses—overview and Definitions—overview.

For a summary of the law, guidance and practice on the execution of documents, along with standard execution clauses, see Execution—overview.


For standard commercial clauses commonly used in TMT agreements, see the following Precedents:

  1. Anti-bribery clause

  2. Anti-tax evasion facilitation clause

  3. Change control clause—long form

  4. Conditions precedent clause—commercial contracts

  5. Dependencies clause

  6. Determination by expert or arbitrator clause

  7. Expenses recovery clause

  8. Forecast clause

  9. Hardship clause

  10. Indemnity

  11. Insurance clause—commercial contracts

  12. Interest on late payment clause

  13. Limitation of liability clause

  14. Liquidated damages

  15. Minimum purchase clause

  16. Modern slavery—contract clauses

  17. Non-solicitation clauses

  18. Payment clause—commercial contracts

  19. Post-contract verification clause

  20. Pre-contractual information clause

  21. Royalty based on Net Sale Price clause

  22. Step-in clause for outsourced services

  23. Termination clause

For a precedent service level agreement (SLA) suitable for use as a service level schedule in a larger agreement or, with modifications, as a standalone agreement, see Precedent: Service

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