Court's case management powers

Court's case management powers

The court's aim is to ensure that cases are dealt with justly and at proportionate cost—in other words, in accordance with the overriding objective in CPR 1. It has wide powers to manage a claim so as to effect furtherance of that objective and CPR 1.4 provides that the court must 'further the overriding objective by actively managing cases'. Active management of cases can include any of the steps set out in CPR 1.4(2)—for more information, see Practice Note: Case management of civil claims under the CPR—Case management and the overriding objective (CPR 1).

Cases are largely managed through the court's case management, including ‘directions’ given by the court which set out the steps the parties are required to take to prepare the case for trial, and the time limits within which each of these steps should be taken. Especially in higher value and more complex claims, the first point at which the parties are likely to be before the court to consider the progress of the matter to date and for the court to give directions going forward,

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