Norwich Pharmacal order

A Norwich Pharmacal order (NPO) is an order for the disclosure of documents or information by the respondent to the applicant. This is an equitable remedy and so the granting of any order will depend on, and its terms will be adapted to fit, the nature of the claim.

NPOs are typically sought to obtain information about the identity of persons to whom a victim can look for the redress of a wrong. An application is against the respondent, whose identity is known by the applicant and who ...

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Order for a Norwich Pharmacal orderClaim No. [insert claim number].[IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE[BUSINESS AND PROPERTY COURTS [OF ENGLAND AND WALES OR...
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Practice notes

Norwich Pharmacal orders (NPOs)This Practice Note explains Norwich Pharmacal Orders (NPOs), ie what they are and when they can be used. In particular,...
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Claim form—Norwich Pharmacal order

You will

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