Corporate oil and gas transactions


This is an overview of the key content to be found in subtopic Corporate oil and gas transactions. It briefly explains the nature of this content and provides links to it.

For more information on Oil and Gas licensing and regulation, see subtopic: Oil and gas licensing and regulation—overview.

Exploration and production (upstream)

  1. Practice Note: An introduction to EU law and competition law issues for take-or-pay clauses in energy contracts introduces take-or-pay clauses in the energy sector and considers some of the regulatory and competition law issues regularly encountered when considering take-or-pay clauses in the energy contracts

  1. Practice Note: Drafting take-or-pay clauses in energy contracts introduces the common features of take-or-pay clauses in energy contracts and provides some example clauses. It also considers the distinction between take-or-pay clauses and take-and-pay clauses

  1. Practice Note: Take-or-pay clauses in energy contracts: the rule on penalties introduces the English Court’s attitude to take-or-pay clauses and a thorough consideration of take-or-pay clauses and the rule on penalties

  1. Practice Note: Force majeure and frustration in offshore oil and gas drilling, decommissioning and service contracts in response

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