Data sharing and transactions

This subtopic discusses the processing and sharing of personal data by controllers and processors (as defined below) under the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation, Assimilated Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the UK GDPR). It also links to guidance relating to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the EU GDPR) that remains applicable in the EEA, since those data protection regimes will often need to be considered together. This Overview provides a high-level introduction to the subtopic and signposts more detailed guidance housed within it.

Guidance on equivalent laws under the EU GDPR is available in our EU Law practice area, see: EU GDPR regime (EU Law)—overview.

This Overview assumes a degree of familiarity with key data protection concepts. For a general introduction to data protection law, see the tab on ‘key principles and concepts’ in the Data protection toolkit.

Processing by controllers and processors

Processing of personal data by controllers and processors is subject to extensive regulation under the UK GDPR regime.

Subject to certain provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 that apply in particular circumstances, the UK GDPR generally

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