Environmental and heritage offences

Local authorities enforce legislation across a wide range of areas. This overview outlines content relevant to local authority enforcement of environmental and heritage offences within their jurisdiction.

Environmental crime

Practice Note: Local authorities—powers to investigate environmental crime explains the division of responsibility between local authorities (LAs) and the Environment Agency (EA) to investigate environmental offences. It explains the powers available to LAs for the investigation of environmental crime, offers practical advice for companies under investigation and highlights the offences that may be committed during the course of a criminal investigation for environmental offences.

Practice Note: An introductory guide to environmental criminal liability provides an introduction to criminal liability for environmental offences and the stages of the criminal process from pre-prosecution to sentencing. It highlights common environmental offences, explains the key principles of environmental liability including strict liability, corporate liability and liability of directors and senior managers and provides an overview of environmental crime enforcement for environmental breaches including the prosecution of environmental crime.

Practice Note: Conducting an investigation into environmental crime explains the issues lawyers need to think about when advising a client following a

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