Trading Standards offences

Most consumer protection legislation is enforced by the Trading Standards department of local authorities. Each council will maintain an investigations and enforcement policy in accordance with The Regulators’ Code. The Code applies to all non-economic regulators, including local authorities. See Practice Note: The Regulators' Code which explains the key principles of the Regulators’ Code which all relevant regulators should apply when developing, monitoring and enforcing regulatory functions within their remit.

Under section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 (LGA 1972), where a local authority considers that it is expedient for the protection or promotion of the interests of the inhabitants of its area, it may commence a prosecution against suspected offenders.

Trading Standards investigations

Trading Standards teams investigate a wide range of offences which affect consumers in their borough which may include:

  1. property misdescription

  2. labelling

  3. weights and measures

  4. distance selling

  5. age restricted sales

  6. consumer protection

  7. trademark and counterfeiting offences

Practice Note: Trading Standards' investigations explains when and how Trading Standards teams will investigate breaches of consumer protection law. It includes information on enforcement policies and the powers available

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