Helping you deliver watertight contracts. We cover the contract lifecycle from negotiation to termination. Providing guidance and precedents to assist with all aspects of contract management.
Offering a wealth of practical drafting and negotiating checklists, precedent contract clauses and practice notes to help you confidently negotiate, draft and execute robust commercial agreements.
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Whether you have a broad or niche commercial practice, staying on top of ongoing developments is a challenge. Our weekly highlights and topic trackers keep you up to date with all the latest developments.
This week's edition of Commercial weekly highlights includes: the Supreme Court’s decision in Recovery Partners GP Ltd v Rukhadze which considered...
One complaint was received by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) regarding Haven Leisure Ltd's advertising claims about holiday prices. The ASA...
Details of updates to HMRC import, export and customs guidance for the period from 11 to 17 March 2025....
EU Law analysis: The Court of Justice recognised, under Article 25 of Regulation 1215/2012, Brussels I (recast), the validity of asymmetric...
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its Direct Consumer Enforcement Guidance on 14 March 2025, outlining how it will use new powers...
Drafting a jurisdiction clause—commercial B2B contractsThis Practice Note provides practical guidance when drafting a jurisdiction clause in a...
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)Originally authored by Timothy Murray, from Murray, Hogue & Lannis for Lexis Practical Guidance® US, and adapted for...
Executing deeds and documents in property transactions—charitiesIncorporated v unincorporated charitiesThere are currently a number of incorporated or...
Doing business in: ArgentinaUpdated July 2024IntroductionThe Argentine Republic is sub-divided in 23 provinces and one federal district, the City of...
Doing business in: RomaniaUpdated in November 2023IntroductionThis guide aims to highlight some of the key areas that a new business will need to...
Transition scheduleSchedule—Transition1Introduction1.1This Schedule describes how the Services will be transferred from the Customer to the Supplier...
Prevention of fraud clause1Prevention of fraud1.1For the purposes of this clause 1:1.1.1the expressions ‘Associated With’, ‘Fraud Offence‘ and...
Multi-sourcing (towers) agreementThis Agreement is made on [date]Parties1[Customer] a company incorporated in [England] with registered number...
Execution clause (Scotland)—ordinary execution by a corporate general partner for a limited partnershipSubscribed for and on behalf of [insert name of...
Execution clause (Scotland)—self-proving execution by corporate member(s) signing on behalf of a limited liability partnershipOption 1—self-proving...
Mistake in contract lawThis Practice Note considers the legal concept of mistake in contract law. It examines common mistake, mutual mistake,...
RepudiationThis Practice Note concerns repudiation and sets out what a repudiatory breach of contract means. It explains how a repudiatory breach goes...
Agent and principal relationships with third partiesThis Practice Note deals with the relationships arising between principals, agents and third...
Termination and expiry of contractsThis Practice Note provides an overview of contract expiry and of the different causes of termination and ways to...
Contract variationThis Practice Note summarises the law, guidance and practice relating to the variation of contracts and deeds. It explains how a...
Joint, several, and joint and several liabilityContractWhere a contract is made by two or more parties it may contain a promise or obligation made by...
Fiduciary DutiesWho is a fiduciary?There is no comprehensive list of the relationships which give rise to the existence of fiduciary duties under...
Types of carrier of goodsThis Practice Note provides an introduction to two types of cargo carrier; common carriers and private carriers, and explains...
Electronic signaturesAn electronic signature is the electronic equivalent of a handwritten signature and links a person to the contents of an...
DeedsUnder English law, legally binding agreements can be made orally, in writing or by deed.This Practice Notice considers the circumstances in which...
Scope and authority of the agentThis Practice Note describes the nature and degree of an agent's authority which is conferred upon it by the...
Nature and types of agencyThis Practice Note is an introduction to agency. It describes the essentials of the agency relationship between the...
Exclusion and limitation of liabilityThis Practice Note considers exclusion and limitation of liability in business-to-business (B2B) contracts. It...
Carriage of goods by sea—the Hague-Visby RulesThis Practice Note explains the Hague-Visby rules (the Rules) which are an international convention...
SubcontractingThis Practice Note examines the following legal and practical matters in relation to entering into a subcontract or when granting...
Agreements to agreeThis Practice Note considers agreements to agree, and why an agreement to agree certain contractual terms at a future date has...
An arm's length purchaser is one party to an arm's-length transaction, governed by the arm's length principle, where both purchaser and vendor act independently and have no relationship to each other to ensure that both parties to the transaction are acting in their own interests and are not inhibited by outside pressure or duress.
Disclosure in commercial law normally refers to the process in civil litigation (formerly known as discovery) where each party discloses to the other all documents relevant to the proceedings and not protected from disclosure or obligations concerning the disclosure of interests in shares of public companies.
Distance selling means selling goods or services to consumers without the simultaneous physical presence of the supplier and the consumer.