About Local Government Law

Local authorities are facing a period of unprecedented change and uncertainty. Lawyers are required to guide elected officials, council workers and the public through this process often with little support or guidance.

Social housing

This gold standard content set covers all aspects of social housing from homelessness, tenancy management, shared ownership and right to buy together with regulating housing provision.


Education is central to the governments skills agenda to drive innovation and growth. Every aspect of education law is covered from early years foundation stage to further and higher education with a dedicated special educational needs topic.

Public procurement

Public bodies are subject to the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. We give full coverage of public contracts, from issues to consider before procurement, to dealing with contract award challenges.

Local authorities

Local authorities are facing unprecedented financial challenges, inevitable rationalisation and prioritisation of service provision. Lawyers are key in ensuring that difficult decisions are taken and implemented lawfully

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Latest Local Government Q&As

Can a (prospective) mortgagee (M) bring a negligence claim against solicitors who acted for it and the borrower (B) on a prospective purchase where the seller went into administration between exchange and completion and the solicitors had negligently failed to register an UN1 in relation to the sale contract?
Foster carers have been approved by the fostering panel to adopt, but, following their approval, further information came to light which had to be investigated. The investigation was completed and an addendum report supported approval. Does the case have to go back to the fostering panel or to the agency decision maker? What are the regulations underpinning this?
A child was placed with kinship carers by local authority (LA) A, which subsequently agreed to another child being placed with the same carers by LA B pending an assessment of the carers as to their suitability to be foster carers. The care plan for both children is for special guardianship orders to be made. In such circumstances, which local authority should deal with the foster care temporary approval and reviews for the second child?
If a public highway is surrounded by common land, is there a power/duty on the Local Authority to fence off the public highway? Alternatively, if there was a public highway in the middle, residential properties to the left of the highway, and common land to the right of the highway, would the Local Authority be under a duty to fence off the public highway?
Section 54 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PFA 2012) makes it a criminal offence to immobilise, remove or restrict the movement of vehicles without lawful authority. What is the meaning of ‘lawful authority’ under this section?

Associated legal terms