Special administrators of insolvent investment bank fail to obtain approval for a proposed litigation reserve—Re Wealthtek LLP (In special administration)
Restructuring & Insolvency analysis: The special administrators (the Administrators) of a failed investment bank were seeking approval of a distribution scheme, including a retention to cover the costs of returning assets to clients of the bank, which included a substantial sum to cover the costs of potential litigation to recover client assets from third parties. The court declined to approve the reserve: all but a very small number of the affected clients were likely to be entitled to compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (the FSCS) and, where the scheme applied, the FSCS would be subrogated to the compensated clients and pursue their claims against third parties, at the FSCS’s own cost but with a right of recoupment out of any assets recovered. Mr Justice Rajah stressed the importance of the Administrators’ duty of candour to the court when seeking approval for their proposed scheme of distribution, and of their obligation to draw all relevant material to the court’s attention, particularly where it affects parties not before the court. In light of their failure to do so, elements of their costs were disallowed. Written by Bridget Williamson, barrister, at Enterprise Chambers.