Funds and asset management—general

This Overview provides a guide to the Financial Services content within the Funds and asset management—general subtopic, with links to appropriate materials. This comprehensive sub-topic contains guidance on fund and fund manager regimes, fund structures and fund vehicles, as well as on certain related regulatory regimes that are relevant to funds and fund managers.

Further specific content is set out in the other subtopics for the Investment Funds and Asset Management topic—see Overviews:

  1. AIFMD—overview

  2. UCITS—overview

  3. Collective investment schemes (CIS)—overview (which includes Practice Notes on financial promotion of CIS)

  1. Depositaries, custody and prime brokerage—overview

  2. Shari'ah funds—overview

  3. International funds guides—overview, which sets out information on fund establishment and fund marketing in different jurisdictions

Key fund and manager regimes

The main legislative frameworks that apply to UK investment funds and managers are:

  1. the Alternative Investment Funds Directive (2011/61/EU) (AIFMD), see Practice Note: UK AIFMD—essentials and the AIFMD subtopic: AIFMD—overview, and

  2. the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive (Directive 2009/65/EU), see Practice Note: Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS)—essentials and the UCITS subtopic: UCITS—overview


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