SRA issues guidance to support in-house solicitors
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has released a set of guidance materials, primarily aimed at the 34,500+ in-house solicitors across England and Wales but also including guidance on internal investigations applicable to all firms and solicitors, not just those working in-house. The guidance, developed following stakeholder feedback and a 2023 thematic review, addresses unique challenges faced by in-house legal professionals. It covers areas such as client identification, reporting wrongdoing, legal professional privilege, ethical obligations, and risk management. Notably, it includes advice for non-solicitor employers to enhance understanding of solicitors' professional obligations. The SRA has incorporated feedback from consultations on drafts of the guidance, resulting in more practical examples, expanded information on third-party work and conflicts of interest, and clearer guidance on internal investigations. The SRA aims to support in-house solicitors in navigating their roles and highlighting their value in promoting ethical behaviour within organisations.