Setting up a company

The company is a very commonly used business vehicle; there are over 270,000 registered companies in Ireland.

A company is a business vehicle which is a separate legal entity, distinct from its members. It is owned by its members and it is managed by its directors. It is regulated by the Companies Act 2014 (Ireland) (CA 2014 (IRL))

The types of company that can be incorporated under CA 2014 (IRL) are:

  1. a public company limited by shares

  2. a private company limited by shares

  3. a designated activity company, and

  4. a private company limited by guarantee, and

  5. an unlimited company

Preparing to incorporate a company

This subtopic provides guidance on setting up a private company limited by shares (LTD) in Ireland and focuses on the requirements under CA 2014 (IRL) in relation to company names and business names, trading disclosures and establishment of a

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