EU eIDAS Regulation-electronic signatures [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained.STOP PRESS: On 30 April 2024,...
List of available cross-border insolvency and restructuring tools by country worldwideCross-border toolsThe EU Recast Regulation on Insolvency by its...
Ireland—Cross-border litigationThis Practice Note aims to provide an understanding of the practical issues to consider when dealing with cross-border...
Ireland—Execution formalities—partnershipsThis Practice Note provides practical guidance on proper execution of simple contracts and deeds for general...
Ireland—General meetings—notice requirements for private limited companiesA general meeting must satisfy certain requirements set out in the Companies...
Rome I—scope, exclusions and general provisionsThis Practice Note is for use when determining applicable law where the contract was entered into on or...
INSOL Europe: European Insolvency Regulation Case RegisterHow do I access it?Lexis+® UK R&I subscribers can access the case register using the How to...