Ireland—Holding company definitionHolding Company•This Precedent contains a definition for the term ‘holding company’, which is a term commonly used...
Ireland—Group definitionGroup•This Precedent is a definition for the term ‘group’, which is a term commonly used in agreements, to be included in the...
Ireland—Defining termsThis Practice Note discusses the role and importance of defined terms in an agreement. It identifies the defined terms that most...
Ireland—Corporate horizon scanner 2025This Practice Note provides a summary the key dates and legal developments that are expected to impact corporate...
Rome I—parties fail to choose the applicable lawThis Practice Note is for use when determining applicable law where the contract was entered into on...
Execution of contracts—jurisdictional guideThis guide sets out the requirements for executing simple contracts in various international jurisdictions....
Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements—scopeThis Practice Note considers the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements which applies to...