Pilot schemes

This topic contains details of pilot schemes that are or have been operated by the civil courts.


Practice Note: Tracker—pilot schemes—Dispute Resolution provides a list of relevant pilot schemes which are currently operating in the civil courts. It provides brief details of each pilot scheme and links to Practice Notes and News Analyses for further information.

Practice Note: Dispute Resolution—pilot schemes which have ended provides information on pilot schemes that have ended.

Pilot schemes—current

The following content provides information about pilot schemes currently in operation:

  1. Practice Note: Small claims mediation service—which provides detail on the small claims track automatic referral to mediation pilot scheme under CPR PD 51ZE

  2. Practice Note: Small claims paper determination pilot—CPR PD 51ZC—which contains a pilot scheme to test a procedure which will enable the court to direct that a small claim will be determined without a hearing without requiring the agreement of all parties, as is currently required under CPR 27.10

  3. Practice Notes: Electronic working and CE-File—when and where is CE-File applicable? and Electronic working and CE-File—how to use CE-File—which consider electronic working using CE-File,

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