Government announces reforms to apprenticeship system including minimum duration reduction
The government has announced a number of changes to ‘reduce apprenticeship bureaucracy’:
This subtopic contains guidance and Precedents on supervising, monitoring and assessing trainee solicitors. It reflects the requirements of:
the SRA Codes of Conduct, which contain the SRA’s core requirements in relation to supervision generally
the SRA Training Regulations 2014, Qualification and Provider Regulations, which apply to training contracts commenced before 24 November 2019
the SRA Education, Training and Assessment Provider Regulations, which apply to training contracts commencing on or after 25 November 2019
guidance on supervising trainees published on the SRA website
It will also be relevant to the supervision, monitoring and assessment of Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) candidates who are working for you for the purpose of gaining qualifying work experience (QWE). See Practice Notes: Qualifying work experience (QWE) and Supervision of trainees—Supervision of SQE candidates.
It is good practice to provide an induction for all trainees, including SQE candidates working towards their qualifying work experience in your firm. The induction should be extended
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