Negligence—when does a duty of care arise?
Produced in partnership with Professor Richard A Buckley M.A, D.Phil, DCL, Oxford of University of Reading
Practice notesNegligence—when does a duty of care arise?
Produced in partnership with Professor Richard A Buckley M.A, D.Phil, DCL, Oxford of University of Reading
Practice notesThis Practice Note considers the first question to ask when faced with a prospective claim in negligence—whether or not a duty of care exists between the claimant and the defendant such that, if the defendant has breached that duty, liability may arise.
For consideration of what may then amount to a breach of that duty, see Practice Note: Negligence—when is the duty of care breached?
For specific guidance on banks and the duty of care, see Practice Note: Negligence—banks and the duty of care.
For specific guidance on breach of statutory duty, see Practice Note: Negligence—breach of statutory duty.
For specific guidance in professional negligence claims, see: Professional negligence claims—overview, including Practice Note: Bringing a professional negligence claim based on the duty in contract, tort and equity.
Duty of care—what are the requirements to establish a duty of care?
The tort of negligence imposes liability for loss or injury caused by carelessness.
Two central questions arise:
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what constitutes carelessness?
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when is liability not
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